
TOTO Toilets Help Consumers Navigate the New Normal

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought a new standard to the lives of many people. TOTO makes use of its technology to help people navigate this New Normal.

Kaisen or “perfection” is a societal concept that drives the Japanese company Toto. Their newest toilet, the WELLNESS TOILET is equipped with cutting-edge sensing technologies to support consumer health.

Water Sense Technology

The EPA-approved, WaterSense labeled plumbing fixtures aid in conserving energy and water while delivering safe, reliable performance. TOTO USA is proud to be among the first companies to receive a WaterSense label for our EcoPower flush valves as well as commercial flushometer toilets.

Our Aquia IV Dual-flush Toilet is a great example for an efficient bathroom fixture. It uses just 1.28 gallons of water for each flush. This is less than 1.6 Gallons needed to be in compliance with EPA standards. The Aquia IV features TOTO TORNADO FLUSH technology that reduces the frequency of cleaning bowls and the need for additional flushes.

Installing a low-flowing showerhead can reduce the amount of water you need while washing or bathing. Our high-efficiency Showerheads are WaterSense Rated and come with the most modern technologies to ensure top performance.

In a world where water shortages can be frequent, limiting the use of water is crucial. TOTO's EcoPower Technology, which is used in the Aquia IV and NEXUS toilets, helps to reduce the use of water by using only 1.28 gallons of water for 안전놀이터 추천 each flush.

TOTO's elongated WCs are EPA certified for high efficiency. The elongated toilets have an elongated or 안전놀이터 (https://www.play56.net/home.php?mod=space&uid=3511210) round basin and an ADA-compliant 17-19 inch height. We also offer an elongated and compact toilet that is ideal for smaller spaces and consumes just 0.9 grams of water per flush.

TOTO's bidets are among the most popular in the industry for both home and business use. They're not just a cheap alternative to toilet paper they're also more efficient, since they provide a full-body clean that makes you feel refreshed and confident. The NEXUS Bidet utilizes our EWATER+ Technology, which is produced by electrolyzing tap water to create an acidic solution that contains sodium chloride ions. This produces a powerful disinfectant which kills viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens. It leaves your skin, and the environment safe.

ADA Compliant

If you are searching for an ADA compliant integrated toilet and bidet+ unit you might come across terminology such as “universal height” and “ADA compliant.” While there is a relationship between the two, 토토사이트 꽁머니 it is important to know that not all universal height toilets are ADA compliant and vice versa.

The ADA standards established by the Americans with Disabilities Act are designed to be inclusive of people of all abilities and ages that include those with limited mobility or lower body strength. Toto incorporates these standards into their products to ensure that customers have the bathroom experience they want with ease of use.

TOTO's ADA compliant toilets feature one-piece designs that instantly beautify any bathroom while providing a functional advantage over traditional two-piece models. By removing the gap between the bowl and the tank TOTO's single-piece designs make cleaning easier by preventing the accumulation of dirt and debris. TOTO also features the highest-efficiency flushing system in their Eco UltraMax toilets. They are water-efficient and consume 1.28 Gallons per Flush (GPF) or less.

One-Piece and Two Piece Designs

Many who have been to Japan have praised the ease and effectiveness of the Toto toilets they used. Toto is a Japanese brand of toilets with a single-piece design that incorporates the bowl and tank. These toilets are easily cleaned and fit into tiny spaces. They are also durable and can last for a long period of time.

The band Toto was formed in the early 1970s after members did session work for a variety of famous musicians. Keyboardist David Paich, drummers Steve Lukather and Jeff Porcaro, and bassist Joseph Williams all had been regular contributors to albums of Steely Dan, [73] Seals and Crofts, [74] Boz Scaggs,[75], and Sonny and Cher, among others.

Some of the band members also have solo projects. In 1978, Bobby Kimball released an album called From the Inside. Steve Lukather released a second album titled Luke. David Paich and Joe Porcaro also recorded an album with jazz pianist Miles Davis.

Toto along with their music, has performed a lot of touring throughout the years. In February of 2018 they released their 40 Trips Around The Sun anniversary album and then embarked on an international tour to promote it.

The core of TOTO's Total Design principle is taking into consideration the needs of all ages and abilities. Universal Height toilets are available to those with limited mobility. The WASHLET+ line of bidets has transformed the experience of using the toilet from wiping into a stream of water. Many people are turning to this more efficient option.

Noise Reduction

In the United States bathrooms are often close to bedrooms. Therefore toilets that are quiet are very popular. TOTO's Washlet, a bidet seat that has an electric motor, is a fantastic way to achieve this. TOTO's toilets are described as “magical” because they combine a rimless basin that makes use of a small amount of water, and a powerful warm air spray that cleanses and dries the skin.

While Japan enjoys its technological advances but it also has a deep respect for the humble toilet. The Toilet Museum in Japan, which opened in 1998, combines these qualities to encourage people to reconsider their toilet habits. The museum employs a poop-powered motorcycle to emphasize the fact that TOTO products are both effective and environmentally friendly.

The museum also showcases TOTO's innovations, starting from the first flush to the aeration toilet which uses less water and reduces waste by 90 percent. There's also an area that features the company's Washlet, which uses the power of water to cleanse and dry the user. It also does this by concealing the sounds of a toilet with chirping birds.

Before beginning to form Toto members such as bassist David Hungate and drummer Jeff Porcaro played on albums of famous artists such as Steely Dan Seals and Crofts Boz Scaggs and Sonny and Cher. David Paich, the keyboardist, was a regular session musician for artists such as the Eagles, Larry Carlton and Quincy Jones.

In the years following Toto's debut album group struggled to develop an appealing sound and underwent numerous changes of members. In the end, Hungate left the band in 1980 to pursue a solo career in Nashville. The reason he left the band 토토사이트 꽁머니 was due to a lack of time for his family, as well as an increasing addiction problem. The band's success ultimately was largely dependent on the talents of Lukather and keyboardist Steve Porcaro.


TOTO toilets have been created with comfort at the forefront. They come with a variety of features that make the bathroom experience more enjoyable. For instance, they come with heated seats that help keep the user warm. To make it more convenient they also have automated lids which open and close. They also have self-cleaning systems which keep the toilets clean and fresh.

It is crucial to be aware of the features you should look for when shopping for a TOTO Toilet. There are numerous models available, and it is important to choose one that comes with all the features you need. You will require the model number and SKU of the toilet to accomplish this. This information can be found on the packaging or in the online product description.

Before beginning to form Toto members of the group worked as session musicians for a variety musicians. Keyboardist David Paich, guitarist Steve Lukather, bassist David Hungate and drummer Jeff Porcaro were regular contributors to albums by Steely Dan, Seals and Crofts, Boz Scaggs, and Sonny and Cher. In 1980, they teamed up with singer/songwriter Joseph Williams to form Toto.

The band began touring extensively following the release of Toto IV. In 1985, Fergie Frederiksen's vocalist was dismissed for having a hard time mixing with the other members. Toto released Fahrenheit in 1986, a year following the release of Fahrenheit.

The album was a musical departure for the group, incorporating elements of gospel and jazz. The album didn't become an instant hit in North America but it did well in Japan. In 1987, Toto continued their tour and performed at the Montreux Jazz Festival. In the same time the bassist David Hungate quit the band to focus on his session work and music production career. He was replaced by vocalist/guitarist Steve Lukather.(Image: https://to-topia.com/theme/BS4-Basic/storage/image/thumb-title-mainBanner_new_870x214.png)